From H2″NO” to H2O!

Posted by: On May 22, 2018 7:00 am

Three students from Washington DC, Bria Snell, India Skinner and Mikayla Sharrieff, collectively known as S3 Trio, have been named as the only East Coast finalists in the NASA “OPSPARC” Challenge for coming up with an innovative way of cleaning up lead-contaminated drinking water.  

NASA student scientists: The future is in good hands.
S3 Trio at Work

The all-female team identified that water from public school fountains often contained impurities, putting the health of students at risk.  

“Our product will purify public school systems’ water by detecting impurities such as chlorine, copper, and bromine.” ~ S3 Trio 

Community Concerns

The dynamic 11th graders opted for a community project, working on the serious health issues posed

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How the Famous Stay Hydrated!

Posted by: On May 17, 2018 12:00 pm

It’s no secret that some of your favorite entertainers prefer to drink Tyent Water to any other type.  But what makes them choose to install a Tyent water ionizer rather than other brands?

Still rocking at 74…what’s Roger Daltrey’s secret?

Just like we did with some of our sports heroes, we asked three of them, and they told us! 

Roger Daltrey, Founder and Lead Singer, “The Who”
With a brand new studio album in the offing, Roger Daltrey hasn’t stopped rocking yet, despite a career spanning over 50 years.  One of the secrets of his professional longevity? A Tyent water ionizer!


“I now take a Tyent water purifier [ionizer] on the road with me.” ~ Roger Daltrey

Rick Springfield,
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No Kidding – Healthy Kidneys, Healthy You

Posted by: On May 8, 2018 7:00 am

Unless we have a specific reason to do so, many of us don’t think too much about the health of our kidneys.  After all, if we’re in good health, then we can just assume that they’re happy enough getting on with the job of…of… actually, what do kidneys do exactly?  

We might be small, but we’re pretty important, y’know.

We know they filter stuff out, but what?  And how? More importantly, how can we help them to do it better and more efficiently?  

Bean There, Done That

Well, kidneys are incredibly sophisticated things.  Bean-shaped and around the size of an adult fist, our kidneys play a vital role in keeping us healthy.   

Our blood circulates through the kidneys about

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Why Is No-Poo a No-Go?  

Posted by: On May 3, 2018 12:00 pm

Now don’t get us wrong, we’re often in favor of ditching the chemicals and trying out a natural alternative.  Dropping the foaming agent SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and potentially dangerous parabens in regular shampoo might be worth a try, but what do you replace them with?  

Is your shampoo good for you?
Co-Wash For Curlies

Some people go down the co-washing route; skipping the shampoo altogether and washing their hair using conditioner.  It can have spectacular results on certain hair types (curlies blessed with coarse, thick hair often love it), but it’s definitely not for everyone.

Soda and Silicones

So how about washing your hair with baking soda?  It’s not exactly new…your grandmother might well have tried it!  The

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LeeAnne Walters: An Everyday Hero

Posted by: On May 1, 2018 7:00 am

The Goldman Environmental Prize is awarded to a small handful of people from around the world in recognition of their grassroots environmental activism.  

Heroes are not born, they are made…

Selected by an international jury, this year’s seven winners came from places as diverse as Vietnam, Colombia, South Africa…and Flint, Michigan.  

A Short History of Environmental Heroism

Just after Flint officials notoriously switched the city water source in April 2014 to save money, LeeAnne Walters started to become concerned that the water she and her four children were drinking was harmful.

She was, of course, right, but proving it was a struggle.  State authorities didn’t want to listen and LeeAnne worked tirelessly with the EPA and Marc Edwards, a

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A Wrinkle in Time?  Slow Down the Aging Process with a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On April 25, 2018 7:00 am

“You’re only as old as you feel,” goes the saying.  It’s an empowering little motto, opening up the possibility of perhaps not reversing time, but slowing it up a little.  

I’m sure that wrinkle wasn’t there yesterday…

But how do we achieve that?  Check out the first of our two-part mini-series on how Tyent Water can help you to become one of those people who hears comments like: “You’re how old?  Wow! You look great!” every time you leave the house.  

Turn Back Time?

To look great on the outside, you need to feel great on the inside.  That might seem obvious, but if you routinely skip a full night’s sleep, don’t exercise and eat too many processed foods, there’s

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Filter Facts: Why a Water Ionizer Beats a Pitcher Hands Down

Posted by: On April 17, 2018 7:00 am

Let’s not beat around the bush.  If we ignore for a moment all the important benefits of hydrogen alkaline water and look purely at the issue of filtration, it’s no secret that there are cheaper ways to filter your water than with a water ionizer.  

Even the best jug filters can’t compare to a water ionizer.

At some point, many people consider buying a jug filter.  Pitchers are cheap and easy to use, but how do they really compare?  

Putting You in The Pitcher

Even the most high-end and technically advanced filter pitchers have only a tiny proportion of the capabilities of a water ionizer.  They remove some impurities from your water and make it taste better, but quite often,

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Five Tips to Become Employee of the Month With Help From Your Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On April 12, 2018 12:00 pm

Make your water ionizer work for you and become the new star of the office.

tyentTip #1: Look Like a Boss!
Whatever your usual work attire, the way you look can influence how people view you.  Drinking Tyent Water helps to improve the appearance of your skin, and using Turbo Water to rinse in the shower and after cleaning your teeth gives you ultra-shiny hair and a brilliant go-getting smile!

Tip #2: Intellectual Ability and Mental Agility!
Impress the boss with your quick fire ideas and mental prowess!  Tyent Water is jam-packed with amazing hydrogen that can actually help improve cognitive ability and brain function so you can wow your co-workers with your brilliant memory and sharp smarts!

Tip #3:

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The Sins of Saint-Gobain?  

Posted by: On April 10, 2018 7:00 am

Back in 2016, French multinational corporation Saint-Gobain ‘fessed up to releasing carcinogenic chemicals from its premises in Merrimack, New Hampshire, causing private wells in the area to become contaminated though the local groundwater.  

Industrial waste: Leaking into the landscape
Bottled Water Hand-Out

Following the spill, bottled water was provided to residents with a private well within a one-mile radius of the plant, which meant supplying around 400 properties with bottled water.  

The state gave Saint-Gobain strict deadlines to fix the problem, requiring the 350-year old corporation to conceive, design and install a water treatment solution to clean up the contamination.

A Satisfactory Solution?

Flash forward to March 2018, and state officials have reached “a monumental agreement” to ensure that

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Detox Your Veggies!

Posted by: On April 5, 2018 12:00 pm

We all know that we need to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to stay healthy.  Although most types of frozen, canned and dried produce count towards your daily total, nothing beats the taste of fresh, seasonal fruit and veggies.

How clean are your vegetables?
What’s On Our Veggies?  

But have you wondered about how those lovely tomatoes, salad leaves and bell peppers are produced?  If you buy organic or grow your own, then you can skip this. However, if – like so many of us – you tend to grab what’s on offer or looks great in the store display or farmer’s market, then read on.  

Did you know that much of the deliciously tempting produce on offer is

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