A Deliciously Wonderful Recipe From Tyent USA

Posted by: On May 8, 2014 3:37 pm


                                                                      Family Favorite Cola Pot Roast


Pot Roast

           Cola Pot Roast


My wife is a great cook and pot roast is one of her specialties.  This is her favorite recipe. 

A roast prepared this way makes for the tenderest, most flavorful roast you may ever eat.  The vegetables take on that same delicious flavor that is guaranteed to electrocute your taste buds.  Additionally, this makes a gravy that is ridiculously flavorful.

When my wife makes this she allows the roast to marinate in a large zip-lock freezer bag anywhere from eight to twenty-four hours.  A little prep time the day or night before makes for an easy fix when you’re ready to cook it. 

The first time we had this at

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