Drinking Plastics – Why Our Water Infrastructure Just Can’t Cope (Plastics Series: Part III)

Posted by: On October 19, 2017 12:00 pm

We recently looked at the plastics that we unknowingly drink when we crack open a fresh bottle of water or turn on the tap.  America is the world leader in plastic fiber contamination, with a horrifying 94% of nationwide samples testing positive.  India and Lebanon are the closest runners-up; but for now, the dubious honor of topping the plastic fiber contamination table belongs to us.  

Sometimes being first isn’t so great…
Plastic is Not Fantastic

Plastic fibers are expelled into the air and into our water supply all the time.  The problem is that our current methods of treating drinking water are inadequate.  That’s not a new fact; horror stories about the problems with America’s water infrastructure are

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Are You Drinking Plastic Chemicals From Your Tap? (Plastics Series: Part II)

Posted by: On October 16, 2017 5:51 pm

Yet another unpalatable fact about America’s drinking water emerged upon publication of a report into the presence of microscopic plastic fibers in an astonishing 94 percent of samples tested.

Plastic is on the menu for nearly all of us.
Global Problem

It’s not just America that is swallowing untold quantities of plastics from industry, homes and manufacturing; around 80 percent of samples worldwide tested positive.  If it’s in our water, then it’s in our food.  If it’s our food, then our bodies are awash with plastic fibers of unknown origin.  

Plastic Forever

It gets worse.  Plastic doesn’t biodegrade.  Instead, it just gets smaller and smaller until it’s a tiny particle measured by nanometer (one nanometer is one-billionth of a

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Are You Drinking Plastic Chemicals From Your Plastic Bottled Water? (Plastics Series: Part I)

Posted by: On October 12, 2017 12:00 pm

The issue of what’s in the water we drink – and more worryingly – what shouldn’t be in it, has never been more pressing.  

What exactly are we drinking?

Nationwide scandals attached to the potential dangers of drinking tap water have prompted millions of Americans to ask the question, “what exactly are we drinking?”

Many have stopped trusting the municipal water supply altogether.  An obvious alternative? Bottled water.  Well, sure.  It’s convenient and available virtually everywhere.  Plus, it’s in a sealed, factory-produced bottle.  It’s clean and good for us, right?  Well, not always.  In fact the EWG has recently published a report on exactly why we should look very closely at the risks of drinking bottled water.  

  1.  What’s in
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Crisis in Texas – Is Reverse Osmosis Water as Good as a Water Ionizer?

Posted by: On October 3, 2017 7:00 am

Our thoughts are with all of those affected by Hurricane Harvey, and it’s wonderful to see the heroic relief efforts of individuals and the large-scale aid that has been arriving since the Tropical storm hit.  

Crisis is often followed by kindness.
Helping Those in Need

Among the companies delivering assistance – in this case 1 million bottles of water – is Nestlé, in an act of charity that will help to repair its image after recent negative publicity.  

Big Companies With Big Hearts

There was also a big-hearted offer from Blackwater Draw Brewing Company, promising that affected residents could collect as much water as they needed.  But this isn’t regular water – it’s reverse osmosis water, used in the brewing

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Smile Brighter with a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On September 7, 2017 12:00 pm

No cosmetic or Instagram filter can rival your true greatest asset – a bright, natural smile.  

Tyent Water is always worth smiling about!
Take Good Care of Your Teeth

As well as a good brushing and flossing routine, most of us know how to take care of our teeth – trips to the dentist, changing our toothbrush regularly and not eating and drinking too many sugary things.

Sparkling Water Harms Tooth Enamel?

But drinking sparkling water must be okay, right?  Not so, according to recent comments by Dr. Edmond R. Hewlett, spokesperson for the American Dental Association.

Those bubbles are created by adding carbon dioxide.  It’s not sugary, but it is acidic, and it’s the acid that can be …

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Water Ionizers – Know What You’re Drinking

Posted by: On September 5, 2017 7:00 am

Anyone buying a bottle of Poland Spring Water would be pretty sure that they’re drinking exactly what’s advertised.  It’s produced by Nestlé – the world’s biggest packaged food manufacturer – so it must be a trustworthy product, right?

Nestlé has hit the headlines again.
“Colossal Fraud”

Not so, according to a lawsuit against the giant company, filed by 11 plaintiffs in Connecticut this week.

“A colossal fraud perpetrated against American consumers.”


The reason for the litigation?  Nestlé claims that its water comes from eight natural springs in Maine.  The claimants say that seven of those springs are in fact, man-made.  Instead of the pure spring water conjured up by labels and advertising, …

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Don’t Worry – Get a Water Ionizer

Posted by: On August 29, 2017 7:00 am

Are you one of the 63% of people in America worried about the ongoing water crisis?  The data from Gallup’s annual Environment poll, which was conducted in March 2017, shows that a large majority of people are concerned about the safety of their drinking water.

Are you one of the 63%?

Gallup first started tracking polled results regularly in 1999.  The findings show that people are more worried about water safety than they have been since 2001.  The collective concerns undoubtedly reflect the media spotlight that has unflinchingly shone on America’s water infrastructure problems, widely uncovered as a result of the Flint crisis.

The $1Trillion Problem

It’s no surprise that so many people worry about environmental pollution and …

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Water Ionizers and the “Swiss Cheese” Scare Story

Posted by: On August 10, 2017 12:00 pm

We learned a little more this week about how lead ended up flowing out the taps in Flint.  Researchers at the University of Michigan have released their forensic conclusions on how the crisis took shape.

Some of the Flint evidence has more holes in it than this.
The “Swiss Cheese” Evidence

Officials had put forward a claim that failure to add anti-corrosion chemicals hadn’t impacted on the eventual contamination of the water.  This assertion was undermined by the researchers’ discovery of “a Swiss cheese pattern” in the aging pipework cause by corrosion.

The research team goes on to emphasize the importance of ensuring that anti-corrosion chemicals are used in all of America’s aging water systems to prevent lead-laced water reaching …

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5 Water Ionizer Myths You Need to Know

Posted by: On August 3, 2017 12:00 pm

We love busting myths.  Especially the ones that relate to water ionizers!  The wonder of all of the information flowing freely around the internet is that inevitably, myths and inaccuracies start to emerge.

Myth Busting: The Water Ionizer Edition

We’ve taken hold of 5 popular myths that seem to crop up regularly, in order to bust them!

  1. Ionized Water is Like Regular Water. Well, why not start with the Big One?  We know this myth inside out.  Every drop of ionized water from a Tyent Ionizer is rich in minerals, antioxidants and natural hydrogen.  Aside from the horror stories about what’s in our tap water, even regular water that doesn’t contain lead or other scary contaminants cannot hold a
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Did a Water Ionizer Save Terry Fator’s Career?

Posted by: On August 1, 2017 7:00 am

Ventriloquist and entertainer Terry Fator likes to joke that overnight success following his appearance on America’s Got Talent in 2007 was only 25 years in the making.

After 25 years, Terry Fator finally became an overnight success.
Before the Big Time

On the fringes of the business for years, the lowest point, Fator recalls, came when he was already disheartened after plugging away in small town fetes and theaters for years.  Then one night, Fator opened a show in a 1000-seat auditorium, to an audience of just one person.

Never Stop Believing!

Despite the setbacks, Fator’s faith in himself somehow remained intact.  Famously, his appearance on America’s Got Talent changed everything.  Following his success on the show, Terry went on …

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