Is a Water Ionizer Much Better Than a Standard Filter?

Posted by: On July 27, 2017 12:00 pm

A water ionizer is usually a bigger investment than a standard, faucet-mounted water filter, so how do they compare?

So how does a standard filter compare to a water ionizer?
  • What’s In the Water? With a point-of-use water filter, you need to start with your source water and what’s in it.  No water filter of this kind is going to remove all organic, chemical and toxic contaminants.  You need to know that the type of filter you opt for will take out the worst of what’s in your water.

A Tyent Water Ionizer filter has the same micron level and filtration capabilities as a kidney dialysis machine, removing over 200 contaminants including 99% of lead, and up to 99% …

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Is a Water Ionizer Really Much Better Than My Well Water?

Posted by: On July 20, 2017 12:00 pm

We all know that there are serious problems with America’s water pipelines and infrastructure from coast to coast, so well water must be a better option, right?

What ends up in here is pretty horrifying.
Well, What’s the Truth?

Well water gives an impression of natural purity, untainted by miles of aging, contaminated pipework.  After all, people have drunk well water for hundreds of years.  Lots of us have grandparents who drank water from their own wells, and they all lived to a good old age, right?  Aside from that, some people don’t have a choice – not everyone is joined up to a municipal water source.

Times have Changed

True, but things are different now.  Fracking, construction and …

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Is a Water Ionizer Much Better than a Water Purifying Pitcher?

Posted by: On July 13, 2017 12:00 pm

There’s a lot of competition for your money when it comes to different ways of drinking clean, safe water.  Many people are unsure about how clean their regular tap water is.  Understandably, they search for an alternative.

This can’t compare to a Tyent ionizer.

Water ionizers might cost more than water pitchers, but does the performance even compare?

Well, let’s see.  A water-purifying pitcher is often better than nothing, but honestly?  It’s a little like comparing a bicycle with a Ferrari.  But why?

  1. How Clean is Your Water?

A top-of-the-range water purifier is capable of slightly improving the quality of your source water and removing some unwanted elements.  However, it’s more likely that the less sophisticated filters (that need to …

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Involuntary Manslaughter Charges Brought in Flint

Posted by: On June 20, 2017 7:00 am

It’s been quite the week in Flint.  Dressed in custom-made gowns and bright, sharp suits, excited seniors of Flint Northwestern High School rode charter buses into Detroit for their prom.  At almost the same time, the news began to emerge that Nick Lyon, Michigan’s health chief, was to be charged with involuntary manslaughter, along with four other officials.

Flint deserves justice.
Conspiracy of Silence?

Failure to tell residents in Flint that the water flowing into their homes was contaminated with legionella is one of the accusations the defendant’s face.  Twelve people died as a result, and 100 people in total contracted the disease.  Officials knew for months about the outbreak, but kept silent.

“People in Flint have died

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The Only Water Ionizer Buying Guide You’ll Ever Need

Posted by: On June 13, 2017 7:00 am

Great – you’ve decided to jump in and make the best possible decision for your health and family.  You’re going to buy a water ionizer!  So, where to start?  As ever, we’re here to help.

Couple choosing a Tyent water ionizer
Choosing a Tyent Ionizer is a great decision!
What to Consider Before You Buy 
  1. Hydrogen. You need to find a water ionizer that naturally adds precious hydrogen to the ionized water.  Some don’t and it really matters.  Tyent Water is brimming with natural hydrogen, minerals and antioxidants in every single glass.
  1. Filters. We all know that America’s water network is in a pretty desperate state, or heading that way.  With an estimated repair bill of around $1 trillion, don’t hold your breath for
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Water Ionizers and the Water Crisis in America

Posted by: On May 18, 2017 12:00 pm

During the last few days, the New-York based Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) published a report regarding water violations across the nation, and uncovered some chilling truths.

water pollution in the news
I read the news today, oh boy…

The coast-to-coast study identified that an astonishing 1 in 4 households may not be drinking safe water.  That’s a shocking 77 million people at risk.

Looking the Other Way?

And you know what’s just as scary?  No-one’s fixing it.  Underfunded, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is virtually toothless.  A lack of meaningful penalties and enforcement means that violations – including arsenic and nitrate contamination – go unchecked. 

“America is facing a nationwide drinking water crisis that goes well beyond lead contamination.  The problem is two-fold:

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Ditch the Soda – Water Ionizers are Naturally Good for You!

Posted by: On May 4, 2017 12:00 pm

It hasn’t been a great couple of months to be in the soda industry.  On 20th April this year a report was published by the America Stroke Association that appeared to draw a link between the consumption of artificially sweetened “diet” soda and the risk of suffering a stroke or dementia.  A further report from Beverage Marketing Corps pointed to the fact that Americans now officially drink more bottled water than soda.

We’ve woken up and started ditching the sugar.
Bittersweet News

Coca-Cola responded by announcing job cuts and a new CEO who, it is believed, will try to steer the mighty company towards “healthier drinks” that have more appeal for today’s consumer.

It is, by and large, …

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The Tyent Rettin Water Ionizer

Posted by: On April 6, 2017 12:00 pm

We talk a lot about water generally: the state of America’s municipal supply, the impact of bottled water on the environment and how much of the wet stuff we all need to stay fit and healthy!

Tyent Rettin Ionizers outperform anything else on the market.

Why Tyent Water Ionizers are Best

Naturally, we also talk about how amazing Tyent ionized water really is.  Thousands of people, from the medical establishment, to our valued customers and world famous sports stars give it the seal of approval.

But what makes Tyent Rettin Water Ionizers so exceptional?

The Hydrogen Factor

Well, first of all, not all ionizers give you hydrogen water and frankly, it’s the hydrogen that really matters.  Without it, you’ve potentially …

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What are the Benefits of Using a Water Ionizer?

Posted by: On April 4, 2017 7:00 am

Wow.  Where to start?   Well, from the very first time you drink Tyent ionized water, you’ll be changing things for the better.  Even that first glass will impact positively on your health.  Take a look at this amazing video to actually watch how quickly ionized water gets to work inside your body.   You’ll be amazed!

water ionizer
Some people literally can’t get enough of Tyent ionized water.

What Can Your Water Ionizer Do for You?

Packed with immunity-boosting properties, mineral-rich ionized water is more hydrating than regular water, which means that you’re more likely to stay properly hydrated, even when you’re on the go.

Recovery time following exercise is cut as well, as ionized water is more readily absorbed into your cells, …

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Water Ionizers From China or Taiwan…What You Need to Know

Posted by: On March 2, 2017 12:00 pm

We love a bargain as much as the next person.  Buying something fabulous for a lower price during a sale is great!  However, getting a sub-standard alternative just because it’s cheaper, isn’t so great.

In other words, cheap doesn’t always mean good value.

water ionizers
A deadly bargain?

East Asia and Water Ionizers

Water ionizers aren’t cheap, nor should they be. Ionizers have been imported from East Asia for over half a century, but which country those machines hail from matters enormously.

If you’ve had your head turned by one of the cheap models available from Taiwan or China, then put your wallet back in your bag and read on.

The Dangers Slipping Past the FDA

There is a real problem with …

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